Thursday, May 7, 2009

Reflection Essay

My blog spot consists of many genres on the Holocaust. It expresses many feelings about the Holocaust and different views and ways to express it. My blog has things varying from a painting that expresses how it might have looked when bodies were being burned in a crematorium, to a poem showing a lot of emotion of how someone might have felt during the Holocaust. Also I have a short essay explaining why I think that people should forgive; a research paper that is an overview on Hitler’s life and the Holocaust in general, a slide show that shows the gruesome images of the events that took place, and another poem that is about me.
My first genre is a painting called Dark Day. It is a painting that shows how it might have looked when people were being burned inside a crematorium. It might not have even been dark outside but that is the emotion that people were probably feeling. They felt darkness and loneliness.
My second genre is a poem called The Other Side. This poem I wrote trying to express how people’s outlook would be on their situation. I tried to write the poem to put a more positive outlook on the Holocaust and to try to encourage people not to give up on hard situations and to try and see that things will get better.
My third genre is a short essay titled Forgiveness. This essay is talking about how people should forgive others so that they can move on with their lives peacefully. I wrote about how I feel it is important to forgive because in order to be happy again, you need to let go of old baggage and move on.
My fourth genre is a research paper titled The Holocaust. This research paper is telling about Hitler and his life. It tells about his child hood up to how he became powerful and in my opinion “evil”. It also tells about events that led up to the Holocaust and events that took place in the Holocaust.
My fifth genre is a slideshow. This slideshow consists of many pictures and descriptions of the Holocaust and the many things that took place. It shows pictures of Hitler as a child all the way to dead bodies lying in huge piles everywhere. This slideshow was made to help people realize how horrible the events were and hopefully put the Holocaust into perspective for them.
My sixth and last genre is another poem titled I Am From. This poem was all about me and my values and morals. I wrote everything to help people who have never met me be able to have an insight into my life and how I am. This poem is my way of expressing my views and just showing a little bit of who I am.
This project was very entertaining overall and I feel it allowed me to open up and express my feelings and views. I learned a lot of interesting things about the Holocaust and this project allowed me to see more into all the events that took place and how terrible they really were. I felt this year was fun and I liked most of the genres I created.